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3 Holiday Foods That Can Harm your Oral Health

December 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 5:23 pm
Family sitting around the table at Christmas dinner

There are a lot of things to love about the holidays, but one thing that brings everything together the most is the food. Eating dinner with the entire family is one of the highlights of everyone’s year. However, it’s no secret that many of our favorite holiday foods can be rough on our oral health. That doesn’t mean that you have to abstain entirely from these foods, but knowing which foods you should be a little bit careful around is important to prevent potential oral health problems. Here’s a rundown of some holiday foods that could cause damage.

Candy Canes

These candies look as good as they taste, but they can also be a little bit hard on your teeth. Sugar causes problems for your teeth because it feeds bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria secrete acids that corrode enamel, leading to tooth decay.

Candy canes are hard candy, which means their sugars will linger in the mouth for a long time before they dissolve. The longer they stay in the mouth, the more they’ll be able to feed decay-causing bacteria. Moreover, biting down on candy canes can potentially cause a dental emergency.

Caramel Popcorn

It’s common at white elephant gift exchanges and office parties to give out huge tubs of flavored popcorn. They’re often covered with sugar and caramel, which makes them dangerous for your teeth. There’s also another risk with popcorn—unpopped kernels that can potentially break your teeth if you aren’t careful. It’s best to shake any tub of popcorn you might get so that any kernels fall to the bottom.


Eggnog can be divisive, but it’s some people’s favorite seasonal drink. There’s a reason there’s a jug or bowl of it at every holiday party you go to. However, this holiday staple is disastrous for your teeth. Not only is eggnog full of sugar, but the alcohol can also dry out your mouth. That could reduce the amount of saliva in you produce, which hampers the mouth’s natural cleaning process.

You don’t have to completely abstain from these holiday classics, but be sure to follow up eating them with brushing and flossing to offset the negative effects. If you overindulge, it might be a nice idea to schedule a cleaning with your dentist at the start of the new year.

About the Author

Vollo Dental Group is the practice of a pair of husband-and-wife dentists, Drs. Joseph and Katherine Vollo. Together, they offer high-quality dental care alongside family-focused comfort. Our entire dental team is well-trained, and they’re deeply invested in the success of all our patient’s smiles. We also welcome the entire family to our practice—kids, adults, and seniors. If you have any questions about how to take care of your teeth this holiday season, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (585) 225-9114.

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