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Rochester, NY 14612

Dental Implants In Rochester – A Perfect Solution For Any Kind of Tooth Loss!

September 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:04 pm

An image of an implant in the lower jawIf you’ve experienced tooth loss, you’re not alone. An estimated 178 million Americans have lost at least one tooth, for a wide variety of reasons, including gum disease, accidents, cavities, poor oral hygiene, and a lack of dental care. That means that tooth loss comes in many forms and makes each patient’s situation unique, so when it comes to replacement options, there’s no “one-size-fits-all approach.” Although dentures and bridges were the only choices for many years, dental implants came along and were a complete game-changer for many people. Keep reading to learn how dental implants in Rochester can be customized for your needs and how they can restore the look, feel and function of your smile after tooth loss!


Your Dentist in Rochester Welcomes You to Our New Site!

August 25, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:00 pm

welcome word cloudWe’ve always been interested in providing the best possible service to our patients, whether they are in one of our exam rooms, talking to our office staff, or connecting with us online — and that’s why we’ve created this spiffy new website! Although our digital presence has changed, our practice has not. As you explore our site, you’ll find information that underscores our dedication to our patients and our passion for providing top-notch oral healthcare. Before you check out our awesome new site, though, we invite you to take a moment to get to know us a bit better.


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