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50 Cedarfield Commons
Rochester, NY 14612

Advanced Dental Technologies

Elevate Your Family’s Dental Care

At Vollo Dental Group, we’re proud to offer you a friendly and relaxing office atmosphere that still features plenty of modern touches. Our doctors work hard to stay up-to-date with the ever-changing world of dentistry, offering state-of-the-art techniques and tools whenever possible in order to improve every patient’s experience from beginning to end. We look forward to introducing them to you and family! Please contact our Rochester, NY office today if you have any questions, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment.

Sleep Apnea Therapy

Relaxing man with hands behind head

Are you a chronic snorer? Do you regularly feel exhausted in the mornings even though you went to bed right on time? Untreated sleep apnea may be the culprit. Many people who have been diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea don’t realize that a dentist can assist them in overcoming their symptoms. With the help of a custom-made oral appliance from our practice, we can keep your airway clear and help you sleep without interruption, resulting in you finally feeling ready for the day ahead.

Learn More about Sleep Apnea

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Relaxed woman in dental chair

Are you nervous about your upcoming dental appointment? You’re not alone. It’s incredibly common for people to dread visiting their dentist, no matter what age they are. Luckily, our team at Vollo Dental Group can ease your nerves with nitrous oxide sedation in Rochester. With this option, you’ll never feel tempted to skip or postpone your checkup again! To learn more about this method of sedation, continue reading or give us a call today .

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

patient suffering from dental anxiety

Sedation dentistry is a great option for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or fear. It’s a great way to make people feel much more comfortable receiving much-needed treatments. Nitrous oxide sedation, also known as laughing gas, is generally recommended for patients who:

  • Are afraid of needles
  • Have a fear of the dental office
  • Feel anxiety or overstimulation at the dentist's office
  • Cannot control their movement
  • Suffer from dental sensitivity
  • Have difficulty becoming numb

You may not be a good candidate for nitrous oxide if you are pregnant, have a sinus congestion, have a respiratory disease, or are taking certain medications.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

woman getting nitrous oxide in Rochester

Nitrous oxide is a mild sedative that our dentists can give you through a nasal mask. By breathing in this gas mixed with oxygen, you will feel light, calm, and happy. Nitrous oxide is also called laughing gas because it makes you laugh and feel content without really knowing why. One of the biggest advantages of nitrous oxide is that our dentists can regulate your level of sedation during treatment to get you as comfortable as possible. Plus, the effects of the laughing gas wear off almost immediately after treatment, so you can go about your day without any grogginess.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

patient smiling after getting nitrous oxide in Rochester

Although the effects of nitrous oxide aren’t long-lasting, you will still need to stay a few minutes at the office until you feel back to your normal self. Once it wears off, you’ll be able to drive yourself back home or to work. Most patients enjoy this method of sedation because it allows them to return to their usual day-to-day routine right after their appointment.

Intraoral Cameras

Intraoral photos on computer monitor

Far too often, dental patients are left wondering what’s exactly going on in their mouth as the dentist peers inside. Thankfully, intraoral cameras can give you a closer look! This tool comes in the form of a camera-tipped wand that is positioned comfortably in the mouth; right away, it starts transmitting high-resolution images to a monitor in the operatory. These pictures provide a helpful visual aid that our doctors can use to identify problems, more clearly explain treatment goals, and help you become a fully informed partner in your oral healthcare journey.

Digital X-Rays

Dental x-rays on computer monitor

X-rays have long been an essential part of quality dental care, but the traditional film version came with several pitfalls. Thankfully, digital radiography has transformed this process for the better. Now, there’s no need for a darkroom or hazardous chemicals in order to see the image in the first place; in mere seconds, the X-rays are available for viewing in our computer system. Any radiation exposure is greatly reduced as well by up to 90% for a safer, low-stress process.

3D Cone Beam Imaging

Woman receiving 3D cone beam scans

When Dr. Joseph Vollo and Dr. Katherine Vollo are planning advanced treatment like dental implant placement, absolute accuracy is a must – that’s where their 3D Cone Beam comes in! This revolutionary machine captures comprehensive imaging of the patient’s teeth, jaw, and skull, even mapping out details like facial nerves, sinuses, and the density of the bone. By planning out these procedures with a precise eye, we can help our patients achieve outstanding smile results.

Soft Tissue Laser

Soft tissue laser wand

When caring for something as delicate as gum tissue, our doctors want to keep the process as comfortable as possible for patients in need. That’s why we’ve invested in a soft tissue laser that helps us perform gum recontouring and other essential services more effectively than ever before. The focused wavelength is safe, precise, and instantly sterilizing; as a result, the recovery process is greatly accelerated and postoperative symptoms like bleeding and swelling are kept to a minimum.

CEREC® 1-Visit Crowns

CEREC bite impressions

When you’re in need of a new dental crown for a sensitive or broken tooth, having to wait through multiple appointments for the finished restoration can feel like a hassle. With CEREC, the Vollo Dental Group team has simplified this process down into a single appointment for maximum convenience while still maintaining the high standard of care that is important to us and our patients. Your smile will be back to its full potential before you know it.

Learn More About CEREC® Crowns