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Tooth Extractions – Rochester, NY

Safe, Painless Tooth Removal to Maintain Oral Health

Tooth loss is something we work hard to help patients avoid at Vollo Dental Group in Rochester. However, when it’s necessary, we will remove one or more teeth to preserve overall oral health and function. We also provide a range of tooth replacement options to repair your smile’s full form and function. If you want to learn more about tooth removal or any of the other dental treatments we provide at Vollo Dental Group, don’t hesitate to contact our dental office in Rochester to schedule a consultation today. We look forward to working with you to achieve and maintain your healthiest smile.

When is Tooth Removal Necessary?

Woman smiling outdoors

We will always do our utmost to help you keep healthy, natural teeth in place. We may need to recommend tooth extraction in a number of situations, including:

  • Severe tooth decay or damage
  • Preparation for orthodontic services or denture placement
  • Impacted teeth, unable to erupt, may also be removed
  • Wisdom teeth, third molars, are often extracted due to crowding and impaction

How are Teeth Removed?

Child having tooth extracted

Teeth are either pulled or surgically removed. Pulling is only possible if teeth have fully erupted from the gum line, and they are not completely fused with the supportive bone and gum tissue. We use clasps to place pressure on the tooth to shift it out of place. In most cases, we’ll need to use at least some surgical tooth extraction techniques. In the mildest cases, that means making small incisions to expose more tooth structure, making removal easier. Advanced cases may include a number of more complex procedures to break the tooth free from its supportive structures.

What Happens After Tooth Removal?

Closeup of patient having tooth removed

If you need to have your extracted tooth or teeth replaced, we may begin the restoration process immediately after removal. Otherwise, we will walk you through your at-home care as you recover following the procedure. Every situation is different, and you’ll receive postoperative care instructions individual to your unique needs. However, some basics to keep in mind include the following:

  • Keep the extraction site clean. Use gauze to absorb blood and exchange the gauze frequently as it becomes saturated.
  • Use an ice pack or cold compress for the first two days after treatment to relieve pain, slow blood flow, and help with swelling.
  • You should stick to a liquid-only diet immediately following your tooth extraction. After the first two days, you can start eating soft, easy to digest foods. Introduce more difficult to chew foods as you feel comfortable.
  • Brush and floss teeth daily but do your utmost to avoid irritating the surgical site. We may provide you an antimicrobial rinse to keep the surgical site clean.
  • Take pain relievers, antibiotics, and other medications as directed following treatment.
  • Call our team if you notice pain increasing in the week following treatment, bleeding doesn’t stop, or you notice any other concerns.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

woman thinking about cost of tooth extraction Rochester

Have you been told that you need a tooth extraction? Although it’s hardly performed as a first-choice treatment, there are times when it’s necessary to maintain the rest of your healthy smile. Whether you need one or more teeth removed, you’ll probably want to understand as much as you can about the overall price of your procedure. Read on to learn about the cost of tooth extraction in Rochester, or reach out to our team directly if you have any other questions!

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

patient after paying cost of tooth extraction Rochester

The best way to determine the exact cost of tooth extraction is through an initial consultation with our team. We’ll be able to monitor your oral condition, detect the root cause of your dental issue, and decide the best treatment for you. Here are several factors that can affect the overall cost of the procedure:

  • Number of teeth: The more teeth that need to be removed, the higher your overall treatment cost.
  • Location: The location and type of tooth needing extraction can influence the price.
  • Complexity: Some cases are more intricate than others, such as removing an impacted tooth instead of one that’s already erupted.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

patient discussing about cost of tooth extraction in Rochester

Many dental insurance policies can offer coverage for about 50% of the cost of tooth extractions after you’ve met the deductible. However, there may also be a waiting period, or you’ll only be covered up to a certain number of teeth. For this reason, you should consult your insurance provider before your treatment to understand your benefits. Alternatively, you can speak with our knowledgeable team members to help you with this process!

How to Make Tooth Extractions Affordable

woman saving money for cost of tooth extraction in Rochester

Are you not covered by a dental insurance policy? Not to worry—we might have another flexible option to help with the cost of treatment. Our team is partnered with a third-party financing company called CareCredit. With their help, you can pay the price of a tooth extraction through monthly installments instead of the whole sum all at once. Many of their payment plans also have little to no interest, providing a more convenient and stress-free process! If you’d like to know if you’re eligible for this option, feel free to contact our friendly staff so we can help with the cost of any necessary treatments.

Tooth Extractions FAQs

dentist in Rochester smiling toward the camera

If you’ve never had a tooth extracted before, it’s common to feel nervous about what to expect. Rest assured that at Vollo Dental Group, we do everything in our power to make tooth extractions in Rochester comfortable. We’ll also arm you with all of the knowledge you’ll need ahead of time. That said, we understand that many patients will feel anxious until the procedure is actually over. To ease your mind, it may help to read through the answers to some frequently asked questions about tooth extractions.

Is There an Alternative to a Tooth Extraction?

Modern tooth replacements, especially dental implants, are stronger and more lifelike than ever before. Still, our priority is to save your natural teeth whenever we can. That’s why we generally only recommend a tooth extraction when the tooth cannot be repaired by any other treatment. At that point, removing it would be the best option to preserve the health of your overall smile.

What Can I Do to Speed Up the Healing Process After a Tooth Extraction?

One of the key elements of making a speedy recovery (after any medical procedure, not just tooth extractions) is getting plenty of rest. Exercising or doing anything physically strenuous forces your body to divert blood away from the extraction site and into the muscles being used. As a result, it takes longer to heal. Avoid physical exertion for at least the first couple of days after your procedure.

Another way to ensure you heal quickly is to prevent dry socket. After a tooth extraction, a blood clot will start to form over the site, and it must remain undisturbed for several days. Forceful motions like spitting, drinking through a straw, and smoking can all dislodge the blood clot. This causes dry socket, which not only delays healing, but can also be quite painful.

Can I Leave the Space Empty After a Tooth Extraction?

With the exception of wisdom teeth, every single tooth serves a purpose in your oral health as a whole. Even though you might not be interested in replacing an extracted tooth, especially if no one can see it, leaving the space empty can have consequences. You might have difficulty chewing, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Also, the adjacent teeth may drift out of place, which could eventually require orthodontic treatment to fix.

Therefore, we highly recommend that once you’ve finished healing, you schedule an appointment with your dentist in Rochester to discuss your tooth replacement options.

What Are My Options for Replacing an Extracted Tooth?

Depending on the number of teeth you’re having removed and their locations in your mouth, you have a few options for tooth replacement:

  • A dental bridge replaces one or several consecutive teeth by stringing several crowns together and anchoring the two on the end to your remaining teeth.
  • Dentures can bring back multiple or all missing teeth on an arch. Thanks to the advanced technology we use, our dentures are incredibly comfortable and lifelike.
  • Dental implants are the most comprehensive solution. These titanium posts replicate your tooth’s roots, allowing them to prevent jawbone loss, restore your chewing power, and last for decades to come.

The tooth replacement that’s best for you will ultimately be up to you and our dentists. We’ll be sure to choose one that will leave you smiling!