Dental implants boast an impressive success rate of more than 95%, so there is no need to be overly worried that something will go wrong with your treatment. However, it must still be acknowledged that in rare cases, dental implant failure can occur. If you ever believe that is happening to you, contact our Rochester, NY, dental team right away. We will do all we can to renew the health of your restored smile as efficiently and conservatively as possible.
Why Do Dental Implants Fail?
The most common culprit behind dental implant failure is an infection known as peri-implantitis. It occurs when harmful bacteria attack the tissue around an implant. Eventually, it can become so severe that the implant loosens and no longer has a firm base of support. In many cases, poor oral hygiene contributes to the development of peri-implantitis.
Other possible causes of dental implant failure include:
- Failed osseointegration (failure of the dental implants to bond with the surrounding jawbone).
- Certain medical conditions, such as some types of cancer.
- Traumatic injuries, such as what may be caused in an accident or by chronic teeth grinding.
Symptoms of a Failed Dental Implant
Dental implant failure can occur at any time, whether it is weeks, months, or even many years following the initial placement surgery.
Here are some signs and symptoms that you should always be on the lookout for:
- Unusual pain. After you heal from dental implant placement, your implants should feel normal and natural in your mouth. Unusual or severe pain deserves professional attention.
- Difficulty chewing. It should be easy for you to eat a wide variety of foods with your implants. Challenges in this area are a big red flag.
- An implant feels loose. This may be an issue with the implant itself or with the crown, bridge, or denture that is attached to it.
- Signs of infection. Pus, swelling, redness, and gum recession could all indicate the presence of peri-implantitis.
How Dental Implant Salvage Works
You should request an appointment with us as soon as you start to suspect that something is not right with your dental implants. The earlier you seek care, the more likely it is that we can address the situation with conservative (and relatively inexpensive) treatments.
When you arrive for your appointment, we will examine your mouth, ask about your symptoms, and take some X-rays. After we understand the situation as fully as possible, we can start designing a treatment plan. You might need something as simple as antibiotic therapy or a new crown, bridge, or denture.
However, there is also a chance that you could require surgery to completely remove the failing implant. After a recovery period and additional restorative care, you may be eligible for an entirely new implant.