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50 Cedarfield Commons
Rochester, NY 14612

Emergency Dentist – Rochester, NY 

Fast, Compassionate Care When You Need It Most

Dental emergencies can strike at a moment’s notice, leaving families panicked, inconvenienced, and in need of treatment right away. Thankfully, your team here at Vollo Dental Group is here to provide fast, compassionate care when you need it most. Our doctors take these urgent situations seriously, and they’ll find time in their schedule as soon as possible to accommodate you or your loved one. Whether you’re a brand-new patient or a current one, we’re here to help! Don’t hesitate – contact our Rochester, NY practice today.

Why Choose Vollo Dental Group for Emergency Dental Care?

  • Dental Insurance Welcome & Flexible Financing Available
  • Same-Day Appointments for Emergency Patients
  • Same-Day Dental Crowns & Other Treatments

What to Expect in a Dental Emergency

Woman with toothache needs to visit her Rochester emergency dentist

Dental emergencies are far more common than you may think. When you know how to respond quickly and effectively, you can save yourself from losing a tooth or causing your mouth further damage. To make sure you feel prepared in case of a stressful dental dilemma, outlined what you should do in a dental emergency:

  • Call us for a same-day appointment: Give us a call right away so we can schedule your appointment as soon as possible. We’ll also provide you with first-aid instructions on how to handle your situation until you reach our office.
  • Get an emergency exam: When you arrive, one of our talented dentists will examine you right away, taking X-rays as necessary, to determine the source and extent of the issue.
  • Review your treatment options: Afterwards, we’ll review our findings with you and explain your treatment options, including how they work, how long they’ll take, and about how much they’ll cost.
  • Get the care you need: As soon as you’ve created a treatment plan with your Rochester emergency dentist, we’ll get to work right away to get you out of pain and preserve your smile.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Are you worried about visiting your emergency dentist in Rochester because you don’t want to make a big deal out of something that may be small? There are a ton of patients who panic over this dilemma, and we’re here to set the record straight so you can act fast. Although you may not want to overreact, leaving oral health problems untreated often only makes them worse. If you have any of the following signs, symptoms, or emergencies, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Man enjoying a healthy smile after treating a toothache in Rochester

From your routine checkups and planned cosmetic dental treatments to sudden emergency dental care, our Rochester dental team genuinely is happy to help you maintain, restore, and enhance your smile. With that said, we completely understand wanting to avoid a serious dental injury altogether – we want that for you as well! That’s why we’ve dedicated this next section to reviewing some of the ways you can protect your teeth and gums over the years.

Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year

Woman in white shirt smiling during dental checkup

One of the best ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy is by scheduling regular checkups and cleanings at Vollo Dental Group! Our doctors can identify and treat the minor dental problems of today before they become the emergencies of tomorrow. Plus, we can clean the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth that your toothbrush and floss have missed, helping prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and the like from surfacing in the future.

Commit to a Good Oral Hygiene Routine At Home

Man smiling while brushing his teeth in bathroom at home

You know you need to brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash consistently, but how does this reduce your risk of experiencing a dental emergency? One way is that brushing for two full minutes twice a day can help prevent cavities, which leave your teeth vulnerable to cracks and fractures. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance that you take your at-home oral hygiene regimen seriously. If you ever need a refresher on proper technique or have a question about the products you’re using, just ask!

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

Woman smiling while eating healthy meal in the car with friends

A well-balanced diet means that you enjoy all of your favorite foods while making an active effort to add some vitamin-rich, nutrient-dense items to your plate as well. This ensures that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to function optimally, prevent infections, and keep your teeth strong. A few smile-friendly foods we recommend are fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and dairy products, like plain yogurt.

Wear a Mouthguard

Closeup of green and white mouthguard hanging from helmet

If you experience bruxism (teeth grinding) on a regular basis, make sure to wear your nightguard as directed. We also recommend wearing a mouthguard if you participate in sports. Basketball, football, and wrestling are a few physical activities where it’s absolutely necessary. However, it can also be beneficial to wear them during non-contact ones as well, such as surfing, skiing, or skateboarding.

Use Tools to Open Packages, Not Your Teeth

Closeup of patient biting their nails

In short, you should never use your teeth as tools. That means using scissors instead of your teeth to open difficult packaging, using nail clippers instead of your teeth to trim your nails, and using a bottle cap opener instead of your teeth to remove a lid. It’s the best way to protect your teeth from chips, cracks, fractures, and other damage.

Understanding the Cost of Emergency Dentistry

Smiling woman sitting in dental office

To be honest, budgeting for emergency dental care isn’t usually top-of-mind for patients. So, when a tooth cracks, chips, or falls out entirely, it’s completely understandable that the cost of the care needed can result in some stress. Don’t worry – our team at Vollo Dental Group is here to help prevent that from happening. In addition to reviewing all of your treatment options and the associated prices during your appointment, we’ve dedicated this next section to the factors that influence the cost of emergency dentistry.

Why Every Dental Emergency is Different

Dentist smiling at patient's dental exam

Whether you visit us because of a persistent toothache or a completely knocked-out tooth, the first steps will always be alleviating your discomfort and conducting a thorough exam. This is key because our Rochester emergency dentists need to have a complete understanding of both the root of the problem as well as how severe it is. This will influence the treatment we recommend and, in turn, the price of your emergency dental care. For example, while we may be able to restore one patient’s tooth with a filling, root canal treatment may be necessary for another.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

Patient calculating cost of care on desk with prop tooth

Fortunately, dental insurance companies often cover a portion of the cost! To learn more about your available benefits, we recommend reviewing the fine print on your plan, calling your provider directly, or asking our team for help. After all, our Rochester dental team is in-network with several popular providers, and we even may be able to help you get the maximum reimbursement if we’re out-of-network. In short, if you are currently insured, we will review your coverage, answer any questions you have, and help you utilize your benefits.

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

Dental assistant smiling while handing patient form

If extensive restorative and cosmetic care is needed to rebuild your smile, don’t worry – you don’t have to pay for the entire cost in one lump sum. With CareCredit, you can pick a payment plan that fits into your monthly budget. That way, you don’t have to stress about the price. Instead, you can get the care you need at a price you can afford! You can fill out the application directly through our website or, as always, you can bring any questions you have to our team.

Taking Care Of Your Smile Can Save You Money

Mature man smiling during dental checkup

Since preventive care can help prevent a dental injury, preventive care can also help save you money! That’s why we recommend adopting good oral hygiene habits, like brushing twice a day, flossing consistently, wearing a mouthguard when playing sports, and visiting us every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Of course, if you ever need recommendations on dental care products or need a refresher on proper flossing techniques, you can give us a call!

Dental Emergency FAQs

patient talking to dentist about dental emergencies in Rochester

Dental emergencies are stressful, frightening, and can happen when you least expect them to. For that reason, it’s completely understandable to have several questions while handling the situation. At Vollo Dental Group, we want you to be armed with the information you need to manage these unfortunate circumstances with ease. That’s why we’ve decided to answer a few of the most common questions we’ve received over the years. If you don’t see your specific question below, feel free to give our office a call!

Will My Toothache Go Away on Its Own?

Since most toothaches are caused by decay, they won’t go away until the problem is addressed. Because of that, you should make an appointment with our team as soon as possible to ensure nothing is wrong. We’ll conduct a thorough oral examination to help identify and treat the underlying issue. Early intervention will allow us to address your tooth pain and prevent it from turning into a severe complication down the line.

How Should I Sleep with Tooth Pain?

If you have a nagging toothache, it may keep you from getting some much-needed sleep at night. The best way to manage it is by keeping your head elevated. Doing so will prevent blood from rushing to your head and intensifying the pain. Additionally, you can take over-the-counter pain medication as needed and use a cold compress to alleviate your discomfort. Make sure you avoid eating acidic, cold, and hard foods right before bed as well!

Do Chipped Teeth Heal?

Enamel may be the hardest substance in the human body, but it cannot heal on its own. Therefore, it’s safe to say that a chipped tooth will never grow back, regardless of the extent of the damage. You’ll need to explore your restorative and cosmetic dentistry options to improve the shape and condition of your injured tooth. If you have a chipped tooth, make sure you schedule an appointment with our team right away to get your smile back to normal.

What Should I Keep in My Emergency Dentistry Kit?

You can take every safety precaution in the world, and a dental emergency can still occur – that’s just life! Luckily, you can prepare for the unexpected by keeping an emergency dentistry kit with you at all times. Here are a few essential items your bag should include:

  • Small sealable container for teeth or restorations
  • Sterile gloves
  • Gauze pads and dressings
  • Cotton balls
  • Denture adhesive
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Floss
  • Ice pack
  • Anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen
  • Your emergency dentist’s contact information