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Metal-Free Restorations – Rochester, NY

Restore the Health and Appearance of Your Smile

In the past, the only way to repair tooth decay or damaged teeth was with shiny amalgam restorations. While metal fillings and crowns are durable and strong, they leave an embarrassing silver blob among your pearly whites. Not only can these leave you feeling self-conscious about your smile, but they can end up damaging your oral health in the long run as well. At Vollo Dental Group, we can restore the health and appearance of your smile with metal-free restorations in Rochester. If you’d like to learn more, don’t hesitate to give us a call today and schedule your next appointment!

What Are Metal-Free Restorations?

Closeup of metal-free restoration in Rochester

Traditional dental crowns and fillings used to be crafted out of a mixture of metals, including tin, silver, and nickel. Sometimes, they even contained mercury. These amalgam restorations could easily withstand the pressure of chewing and talking, but they also often caused tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. They could even crack enamel or damage the surrounding teeth by expanding when exposed to hot temperatures.

On the other hand, metal-free restorations don’t have any of these drawbacks. As their name implies, they contain no metal, but are instead crafted from biocompatible, durable, and lifelike materials. At Vollo Dental Group, we primarily use E-max dental ceramic to create restorations that can blend in seamlessly with the rest of your smile.

What Are the Benefits of Metal-Free Restorations?

Smiling man with beautiful metal-free restorations in Rochester

Metal-free restorations are a popular choice among both patients and dentists, and it’s easy to see why! They offer a range of important benefits, including:

  • Incredibly natural-looking: E-max ceramic can be customized to match the color of your surrounding teeth, so your restorations will be practically indistinguishable from the rest of your teeth.
  • Reliably long-lasting: Metal-free restorations can easily last a decade or more with the proper care, and they resist staining and chipping.
  • Hypoallergenic: This type of restoration is ideal for those who deal with metal allergies or sensitivities.

What Are the Types of Metal-Free Restorations?

Closeup of seamless metal-free restorations on blue background

Drs. Joseph and Katherine Vollo can use metal-free restorations to repair your smile in many different ways. Some of the most common options include:

  • Fillings: If you have a cavity, you know that a filling comes next. Thankfully, there’s no need to worry that people will notice you were treated for tooth decay! We use tooth-colored, metal-free composite resin to fill in and strengthen decayed enamel.
  • Crowns: Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that fit snugly over the top of a tooth. They can hold together a broken tooth, fortify a weakened tooth, or redesign a cosmetically flawed tooth. With metal-free restorations, your dental crown will fit in with the rest of your smile seamlessly.
  • Bridges: If you’re missing one tooth or several in a row, a dental bridge can “bridge” the empty space between your pearly whites with a set of replacement teeth and dental crowns. Thanks to their beautiful appearance, a metal-free restoration will make it look like nothing was ever missing in the first place!

If you’re ready to regain a healthy, beautiful smile or are interested in replacing your metal fillings or crowns, call your Rochester dentist today!