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Scaling & Root Planing – Greece, NY

Tackling Gum Disease Early On

dentist performing scaling and root planing in Greece on a patient with gum disease

According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every two people in the nation suffers from gum disease. People often overlook the early signs of this oral health issue, like bleeding gums in Greece while brushing and flossing, until their dentist lets them know that they need treatment. Untreated gum disease has been connected to a variety of medical conditions and other oral health problems, including Alzheimer’s, heart disease, tooth loss, and even respiratory infections. That’s why Drs. Joseph Vollo and Katherine Vollo offer scaling and root planing treatment, also known as a deep cleaning. Through thorough gum disease treatment in Greece, we’re often able to reverse the signs and protect your oral health from additional damage.

What is Scaling & Root Planing?

computer illustration of a scaler removing tartar buildup behind teeth

You may have heard of scaling and root planing referred to as a “deep cleaning.” Oftentimes, when we spot the early signs of gum disease, such as bleeding, swelling, and inflammation, we’ll attempt to tackle the issue in its tracks to keep it from causing permanent damage. Once the issue progresses into periodontitis, also known as the late stage of gum disease, there is a greater chance that patients encounter symptoms like bone and tooth loss.

Fortunately, with routine checkups at Vollo Dental Group, we’re able to diagnose the issue sooner rather than later. Depending on the severity of the condition, we may suggest scaling and root planing to help restore your oral health and encourage your gums to reattach to the roots of your teeth to keep them from falling out.

Why Do You Need a Deep Cleaning?

person visiting the dentist who has bleeding gums

We typically recommend deep cleaning for patients who are showing symptoms of gum disease that have progressed past inflamed and red gums. Some of these include:

  • Gum recession, which causes your teeth to look longer.
  • Chronic bad breath.
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing.
  • Difficulty chewing without discomfort.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Tartar buildup.

At the first sight of any of these signs, it’s important to contact our office immediately so we can determine the health status of your gums and teeth. We’ll inspect your gum pockets and decide whether scaling and root planing can help reverse your symptoms.

The Scaling & Root Planing Procedure

roommates unpacking their apartment and giving each other high-fives

When you get a deep cleaning, it typically takes place over the course of two appointments. During your first, we’ll begin by removing all hardened tartar and plaque from your gumline and the surface of your teeth. If you have deep pockets full of bacteria, we’ll also clean those out as well.

During your next visit, we’ll smooth out the roots of your teeth to help them reattach to your gums. This will guard them from harmful oral bacteria and infection. Once the procedure is over, we’ll provide you with some aftercare instructions and send you on your way.

Tips & Tricks For a Speedy Recovery

After your scaling and root planing procedure, you may experience some tenderness and discomfort around your teeth for a few days while your gums begin to heal. This can also cause tooth sensitivity as well, but it’s completely normal. Within two weeks, you should be significantly more comfortable.

Here are some ways you can recover from scaling and root planing quickly and prevent any additional problems from occurring:

  • Brush for two minutes every day with ADA-approved toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush.
  • Rinse with antibacterial mouthwash at least once a day.
  • Floss between each of your teeth every day.
  • Use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth if you’re experiencing discomfort while eating hot or cold items.
  • Continue visiting your dentist in Greece for regular checkups and cleanings.

If you have any questions or begin experiencing anything out-of-the-ordinary that has you concerned, don’t hesitate to contact our office.